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Old 10-14-2007, 06:01 PM
Pog0 Pog0 is offline
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Default Re: the purpose of optimism

If you want to know something very interesting about optimism I recommend "The Secret". This is an amazing movie about our thoughts.
Men becomes what he thinks about. Any aim, any dream before completing was an image in your mind. Positive thinking is extremely important not just in real life but also in poker. You need to belive you are able to win. Truly beliving in yourself, beliving you deserve hapiness and success.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you want to know something very interesting about optimism I recommend "Scientology". As it turns out, your negative thoughts are actually a result of Body Thetans attaching themselves to our bodies...

I've got a bit of a problem with things like "The Secret" and "The Power of Now". These are products (a movie and a book respectively) that encourage you to rapidly change your complete outlook on life. But when the novelty wears out, you realize that you've stepped into a whole new world of science fiction where you "tell the universe what you want, visualize it, and receive it". Can you really believe that just by visualizing an empty parking spot right by the entrance of a crowded mall, you can make it so? Then it's just a matter of who's memory is selective enough to convince themselves that it all works.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for optimism. Pessimism and depression are probably not too far apart and then you lose your aspirations and you're just generally not as happy in life. But these rapid "no, this is the way you're actually supposed to live your life!" books and movies that seem to come out all the time now aren't the best way to get there. Any book on setting goals and time management is far superior to anything that just spouts optimism as the solution to all of life's problems.
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