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Old 10-14-2007, 03:48 PM
Rootabager Rootabager is offline
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Default Make me a bad-ass workout split, I need something new!!!

I need a new routine. I started out in high school doing the biggest, faster, stronger, program that I am sure some of you guys have done that played high school football.

Then for a couple years I did the one bodypart a day chest, legs, shoulders, back, arms.

Then I did the 5X5 thing for 6-8 months consistantly and really liked it but want to do something new.

I like alot of the crossfit stuff and would like too incorporate that into my daily workouts.

I dont really care about being strong necessarily but want to look good.

After doing the 5X5 thing for so long I have been doing reps in the 10-12 range lately and like that alot. When I was lifting super heavy I was getting hurt more often especially chest and shoulders. But I am obviously not opposed to lifting heavy and still do heavy deadlifts/squats/cleans.

I would like to lift around 4 days a week, doing full body workouts each day. I would like it to include crossfit stylew stuff, some bodybuilding stuff(maybe depends), powerlifting, and cardio(hiit stuff, jump rope, basketball)

I run alot now because I have a very high energy dog(Weimaraner) that loves to run. I take her to the park every day for exercise and usually run with her.

Right now I weigh about 203. I would like to weigh around 195 preferably at 6'2. I weighed around 225 at one point last year when I was really big and lifting alot.

I have slimmed down and really like the lighter weight. I am pretty ripped now I dont know bodyfat % but I have really good abs.

The program can have alot of volume and be pretty intense. I have been lifting for along time( prolly longer than anyone in the forum) and I am prolly in better shape/look better than everyone that post.

I have a great diet and I am really disciplined in working out. I really enjoy doing all this stuff( i have degree in exercise science, going to try to be a strength coach for college sports team)

Here is what I have currently been doing for last couple weeks. The workouts are not that structured because I have been changing them every workout based on how I feel and what I can think of doing.

Squats-( either 5X5 or 4X10) pretty heavy weight

Bench- usually sets of 12, ramping up weight around 255

Pullups- Alot of times I have been supersetting with squats. Been doing weighted pullups with 54 pound kettlebel, clapping pullups, then regular. I can do around 30 reg, and 12 with a kettlebell

Bent over row and dips- supersetted, I have been doing dips on rings

Clean and Jerk- 4 sets ramping up the weight

Kettlebell Swings- Whatever is the one up from the 54 pounder do 4 sets of however many I can do.

Hanging leg raises, ab wheel,

Push press.

Deadlift- 5x5 sometimes, sets of 3 sometimes heavy

pull ups

ring stuff- dips, muscleups, stuff like that

jump rope

THURSDAY- I have been taking off/ doing cardio

Dumbell bench
bent over row
kettlebell snatches I think ( maybe cleans) the one arm straight up. I just started with kettlebells and I am not sure all the names for exercises yet.
Turkish get ups with the 54 pounder.

I like what I have been doing now but I would like your guys expert opinions on tweeking the workout. Everything I posted is not exact because I have been switching it up.

I would just like some input and suggestions. Especially from like smiley who I know, knows alot about crossfit stuff.

Thanks guys. Sorry if this post is too long and my typing isnt that great. My keyboard is awful.
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