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Old 10-14-2007, 12:42 PM
sweeng8 sweeng8 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Scotland
Posts: 246
Default Re: no point in life?

The reality of leaving college/university and being bored in life is a common thing. Something like 80% of my friends have faced in the last few years, whether they have dropped out or finish most end up in call centres being bored all day without much to think about. Some are lucky enough to get a good job but most dont- such is life.
I may well find myself at your stage in the next year, but I can only suggest that you do something. Find something that interests you and focus on it. Even if you dont, think of something you want to do and try to make it happen. You should take pride that you dont seem to be the time of person to settle for a mediocre life. Whether it be poker, gym, sexual conquests, whatever you like really...As long as it keeps you motivated in life its worth it. This may or may not work for you, but I feel like I need some motivation in life to keep me sane.

If all else fails, why not look abroad. Coming from the UK is a wonderful thing in the oppurtunities it allows you to go around the world. The pound goes far further almost everywhere in the world than here.

Good luck
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