Thread: Teeth Whitening
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Old 10-14-2007, 11:10 AM
peachy peachy is offline
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Default Re: Teeth Whitening

I did mine in the dentist office, it was between 500 and 700, I cannot remember now, but this included them making molds of my teeth for home trays and some of their take home formula stuff as well. I choose to do both because I wanted the quick thing at the dentist and then keep up with it at home. Im not positive on what "type" of procedure it was, like the name, but they put stuff on my teeth and placed UV (??) lights in my mouth at different angles for different times. On one of my teeth some of it oozed onto my gum and jesus did it hurt, it stung soooooooo bad, but I just had to sit there and take it, mainly cause i knew if i said something they couldnt do much at this point cause it was already on there and they would just take everything out and start again. Afterwards there was painful sensitivity for about 2 days. I would have to put pressure on my teeth/gums and rub to ease it, and I have a pretty high pain tolerance. Now my teeth were pretty "ok white" to start with, as I never drank coffee before then, etc., but I am anal and wanted them whiter, so I never really noticed a huge difference in the before and after and it seemed to fad a little. The home trays they gave me I use here and there, and I will frequently just sleep in them (which is more hours than you have to by far) and they have never hurt my gums or made my teeth sore.

If your teeth are pretty stained then go for it, but unless mine start to look horrid I rather not go through that sensitivity pain again (its just more annoying than anything, it never lasted long in one spot, maybe 30 seconds to 2 minutes at a time, but irritating nonetheless) . Good luck though!! Maybe urs will be different!!
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