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Old 10-14-2007, 05:10 AM
tarheeljks tarheeljks is offline
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Default Re: Austin Scott charged with rape, sexual assault

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this thread are that of a controversial issue, especially since I'm female, and are mine only..not to be construed as the opinion of other females.

Whenever someone famous or well known is accused of rape I immediatly want to yell out BULL! My reasons:

1. Most women don't go to a man's room without at least THINKING that something might happen. Usually if she's at least a little inclined, she will go. If she's not, then she won't. This doesn't mean she has to give it up once there, but she KNOWS that that is what HE is thinking.

2. All (OK, OK, MOST) women are star [censored]. I can't think of a single female friend or relative that would not do a celebrity. Same holds true for men of course, they're just more willing to admit it. Doesn't mean we'll do ANY celebrity, but if we're going to a man's room who happens to be a celebrity, we're going to be putting out voluntarily.

So based on my two views above, I find him innocent. Of course, I wasn't there, but above.

I think a lot of people (especially men) will agree with me and I will get slack for this thread from any women posters or from men who knows someone who has been raped.

Rape does happen, of course, just not with stars, IMO, of course.

Discuss or flame away, but I'm off to the ASU game, will check back in later.


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In the article he admits that she said no sex prior to going to his apartment. I'm no expert, but that can't be good for his defense.

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it really bothers me that you are willing to give stars/celebs a free pass here.
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