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Old 10-13-2007, 07:26 PM
PLOlover PLOlover is offline
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Default Re: Ann Coulter: We Want Jews To Be \"Perfected\"

I'm not "right" or "left", and I can usually see through the agendas of either side I think. In this case:

I think Ann C. is a disgusting piece of crap who makes her money shooting her mouth off saying the most outrageous things she can come up with. I'm not real sure if she was attempting that with this interview however, because she might possibly believe what she said. As others have intimated, most religions do believe they are the "chosen" one and every other set of beliefs is "lesser".

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I think the main thing here is that she simultaneously managed to mock both judaism and christianity, as well as personally insulting
the host, d.d., when a.c. says to him upon him saying that he's a jew, she says, well I'm sure youre nonpracticing.
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