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Old 10-13-2007, 03:23 PM
craig1120 craig1120 is offline
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Default Re: Equity and value betting

Ok here is what goes through my mind when deciding to value bet:

First, I kind of visualize what I think his range is. Then I think of all the hands that he calls my bet with, how many I am beating and how many I am losing to. A value bet must be called by more hands that you beat then are beating you. If he calls with 20 hands and I beat 12 of them, then it will be a profitable bet.

It doesn't matter how much the guy folds, if he calls with more hands that beat you then you beat, you should not bet. The only time FE comes into play is when you are deciding to bluff..

Edit: If when the guy calls and he has more hands that beat you and it is still more profitable to bet then check, then you are technically bluffing not value betting
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