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Old 10-13-2007, 03:13 PM
Stumpy Stumpy is offline
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Default Re: Wow new kind of solar energy

Stirling Solar Energy

This is an older project that also looks really promising to me. My big complaint about green energy movements is everyone has their own little pet project / idea that they want to work on, and while many are pretty viable, none will succeed this way. If the goal was really to make a huge difference quickly, the best thing to do would be to pick a few obvious winners and focus a lot of time, energy and money on them. None of these ideas will ever be cost effective if everyone is fighting for a tiny piece of the market. I think it took about 4 years to get a 1 MW plant tested and approved, and in 5 years they'll have a 500MW field set up. They claim they could get to 850MW with two additional years. Obviously the tough climb is getting started. I don't care if someone comes up with an idea that's 2% more efficient. Don't waste 5 years studying that design, lets build a GW of these guys instead.
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