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Old 10-13-2007, 07:56 AM
MidGe MidGe is offline
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Default A solution for Iraq

Given the absolutely incompetent and badly planned running of the war in Iraq, it is now obvious, to most US citizens and, definitely, to most of the rest of the world, that the Iraq war has turned into a quagmire, of their own making, for the US. This is another loss, on top o,f Korea, Bay of pigs - Cuba, Vietnam as well as afew lesser obvious ones.

Now, it seems that the US has a problem with face saving which really prevents them from accepting peace negotiations.

My suggestion, s that UN accepts and passes a tariff to be applicable on all goods manufactured in, and services originating from, the US. This to be collected by recipient countries and remitted to the UN for peace making effort and re building of Iraq. The US could save some face by saying they were forced by the rest of the world, Iraq would benefit immensely and many of its current problems rooted in economics and the inept US led intervention, would disappear, the rest of the world would feel safer, and it is fair. Whoever is responsible pays, in this instance the US economy. It may even be better to make all members of the coalition of the willing to pay in proportion of their contribution, that still would leave the bulk of reparation to the US.

Seems eminently reasonable, democratic and fair to me, yet somehow I think the US and other nations that may get caught in the same net, for Iraq or other incursions, would object!

PS I suggest the tariffs be set so that they compare with the real current yearly cost of the war in Iraq!
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