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Old 10-13-2007, 05:26 AM
EvanJC EvanJC is offline
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Default Beat: I\'m an uninteresting Fgators

xposted from BBV ldo

Dumb title, semi-serious thread. Anyway, unlike Fgators, I'm a winning player (at micro limits). We have more similarities though, namely that we've both played tons and tons and tons of poker hands and not really gotten better. I'm sorry I don't have a lifetime graph, so you'll just have to belive me when I say I'm approaching 1,000,000 in my career. Another trait we seem to share is the feeling that we are running bad when in reality we're both just not that good at poker.

So anyway, in the epic thread lots of pokerEV stuff was posted, and lots of ppl chimed in w/their analysis. So I'm going to post my last 50k hands of EV stuff and you guys can tell me exactly why I suck, okay? I, unlike Fgators, want criticism and want to get better. Sometimes I feel like I'm just missing something so huge and obvious. So anyway, here's the screenies. STRATEGY IN BBV PLS.

all hands @nl25
