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Old 10-13-2007, 04:15 AM
EWillers EWillers is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 227
Default Start-up times for PCs

(This is somewhat of a rant/pondering. . .not a question for tech help)

When I started up my computer tonight I realised how painstakingly long it takes for my computer to become "ready" to do what I want it to do.

It's not like I have viruses or anything. It's just that it seems the time it takes for a computer to become "ready" remains largely unchanged over the past decade or two.

Processing speed, memory, and all that other stuff is 1000s of times faster than in the 80s, yet I still have to wait what seems like an eternity (in reality prolly around a minute or 2) for my computer to become "ready" for me.

I have two questions

1) Why hasn't the start up time diminished with the increase in all the "guts" of PCs

2) Will the day come in my expected lifetime where I hit a button to turn on my computer and it will be waiting on me to tell it what I want to do? (I'm 29)
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