Thread: flop check
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Old 10-13-2007, 01:31 AM
Senior Member
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Default Re: flop check

Bet the flop. If he CRs, then you have a decision to make, and it's prob "call down" unless a 6 or a nine comes off.

This line is best reserved for spots where:
1. villain won't call with worse hand
2. If villain is behind, he has few outs
3. The pot is small
4. You will be in a bad spot if CRed
5. You are quite sure he will bluff turn and river with the vast vast majority of his range.

I think he will call with a worse hand
I think you will be in an OK spot if CRed (i.e. you may be ahead or have some nice outs)
You aren't in too bad of a spot if CRed, because you know that your effective odds are decent, and that you can fold vs. some key scare cards, or u can catch up on some of his hands that beat u

The only real condition that applies here is that the pot is semi small, but it's not THAT small. It's more than 5 sbs. KOing a six out draw has some nice value here.

Look for better spots for this line imo. Like when the flop is K72 rainbow and u have QQ or JJ.
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