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Old 10-12-2007, 04:57 PM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Re: Emotional Affairs

Your right, I was confrontational. I guess my emotions got the better of me. Talking in a reasonable tone is usually a better way to get people to listen.

Speaking of emotions, this thread is a great illustration of emotional binding. I am so emotionally bound by my own thoughts that I was deeply offended by what I was reading, and I am deeply offended that people have the audacity to write, read and believe such stuff.

You are so emotionally bound by your thoughts that you are not able to see Blarg's nor my perspective. I don't understand how you can agree with everything I am writing, but not agree with the very base of my argument.

You use poker as an example? I may make one bad decision from tilt. But that tilt is something that has lasted about five or six seconds. There is a far difference between premeditation and "accidental cheating." For one, you don't look at a woman and drop your pants on first meeting. I don't understand the correlation. I don't tilt for a week on end. At some point I am able to stop and control myself.

Why jail someone for robbing a bank? There emotions got the best of them about being poor. Emotional or not, the perpetrator went through dozens of steps to get to the point of holding a gun in a teller's face. Emotional or not, this guy has to stop and think, "hey, this pretty f* dumb." But he didn't.

Cheating is not an instantaneous occasion. I guess if you really have this little self control, then you are very drunk, or we simply are not going to understand each other.
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