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Old 10-12-2007, 04:21 PM
erc007 erc007 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
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Default Re: 4/180 Mid pair/flush draw raised.

This is an easy shove for value. With a pair+FD you have good equity against the vast majority of his range. You're 50% against a hand like AT. With your stack u want to get it in on the flop, so if you're OOP check, with the intent to c/r AI over any bet. If u are in position u can raise/call, or shove if the lead is a PSB. U have to add some FE for shoving to be EV+ against most of his range. The fact that the A on the board is your suit as well makes it much less likely that one of your opponents has a bigger FD, so giving a free card is not bad here either.
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