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Old 10-12-2007, 04:09 PM
desjgn desjgn is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
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Default Re: Need good plastic cards

Thanks for the comments and opinions on Desjgn Playing Cards. I am not meaning to thread-jack here with this post.

It is true that the pip patterns will not be for everyone, but out of all of the feedback I've received since Desjgns were introduced the majority has been very positive and many have said that like the pip patterns and really hasn't affected one way or another their play.

During my design process and information gathering, I was surprised to find there are 3 catagories of poker players and how they view their community cards:

1 - Pip Readers: Those that know their rank of card by glancing at the pip patterns.
2 - Index Glancers: Those that simply view the index. (I am one of them and I am finding more and more players are in this category than the first.)
3 - Pip Counters: Those that count the # of pips on the card. (There are a few of these players out there!)

OutofCrown your points are valid and appreciated. I am currently reviewing feedback on the 3 and 4 over the many months and weighing the positives vs. negatives.

Best regards,
Desjgn Playing Cards
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