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Old 10-12-2007, 12:10 PM
6471849653 6471849653 is offline
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Default Re: Winning in Tough Hold \'em Games Study Group - Day Two

They need to play more hands or play hands like 22 better. I used to run simulation with the Turbo holdem software some five years ago, and there are also the pokerroom EV stats somewhere on their site - to get significant results even from a pokerroom is unreliable at higher limits, no to mention from stox stats.

Mainly one should be looking at the unsuited slick hands and compare them to e.g. simulations and then run simulations with pocket pairs, though one could think that A2 and 22 in stox games should give significant results sooner, and it should be connected to at least 33 that's though better.

I don't think I have seen 76s to be profitable when opening from 1B (X7s is ok though the J7s vs. equal opponents is a very micro exception, though I still rate to play it) but I can't remember, just that I have a picture that when he has those X9s hands the stox adds the 98s there too and so, down the line.
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