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Old 10-12-2007, 09:02 AM
Allday Everyday Allday Everyday is offline
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Default Re: Bob T. is in the well.

Hi Bob T. Thanks for going into The Well. I've recently been clicking on links to old 2plus2 posts, and I see you in there giving awesome advice back then in the early years. You're still around today doing the same thing. I think you're awesome. I have some questions if you don't mind.

What are the biggest BB downswings you have had at a couple limits? How did you feel about them?

What do you think your VPIP is in your live and online FR games?

WITHEG recommends default open-raising from the button with a certain 41% of hands (22+, A2s+, A3o+, K2s+, K9o+, Q5s+, Q9o+, J7s+, J9o+, T8s+, T8o+, 97s+, 98o+, 86s+, 75s+, 65s+) in full to 3 handed games. What do you think of this?

Beyond standard continuation betting, how often do you 'autobet' with any two cards? Do you have any favourite situations to do this?

Earlier in this thread you mentioned Jim Brier amongst posters here. I think I've got some books by him. Was he a 2plus2 poster years ago?

Have you read Mathematics of Poker? If so, what did you think of it? Did it improve your game?

Who is your favourite intellectual figure of all time?

What is your favourite non-sport television program?

If you could be any other person in the world, who would it be?
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