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Old 10-12-2007, 07:15 AM
GoldenIP GoldenIP is offline
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Default Where are they now: Mafews

For those of you that aren't that familiar with Mafews, he's actually one of the biggest winners ever online. He's really well-known in the UK and Euro circles of online poker and increasingly live tournies.

I'm asking because (a) well, I'm just a fan and he's good to watch and (b) I don't really keep an eye on the euro sites like Betfair, Ladbrokes, Prima (he goes by Promotion on this network), or InterPoker anymore although I'm from the UK myself.

He rarely frequents the US sites like Full Tilt but when he has, he's done extremely well. Some of you may remember a thread where he'd amassed over $400k playing Phil Ivey (amongst others) at PLO 200/400.

Anyways, just wondering if anyone has seen him about playing? His site (which I won't name as I know that's not allowed) seems to be on a hiatus but it was wicked good when it was in operation. I think on one of the videos they had on the site whilst they were at some poker tourney after party, EM2 and G2CU were hanging out with him and some of his guys keep in touch?

Anyone got any updates on Mafews?
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