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Old 10-12-2007, 06:39 AM
bav bav is offline
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Default Re: Cards Speak or do they.

I think in this case I'm not going to get too worked up whichever way the floor rules. Yes, the player appears to have conceded. But he still has possession and full control of his cards and you really want to award the pot to the best hand. But someone violated one player to a hand. But only after it seemed clear the hand was over thanks to the guy saying "the pot's yours". If the guy hadn't said that, thus effectively ending the hand in the mind of the player who spoke up (and probably everybody else), he wouldn't have gotten that extra help.

So I'm pretty happy with that ruling and I lay the blame on the guy who said "the pot's yours". If he'd just sat there mutely holding his cards and someone had said "no diamond" he absolutely gets it. If he'd said "the pot's yours---NOWAIT" I'd give it to him. But the combination of "the pot's yours" and "no diamond" coming as a direct result of that... sorry, but I think the hand died as a result.

On any given day in any given room you're likely to get a different ruling from exactly the same circumstances.
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