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Old 10-12-2007, 01:38 AM
VickreyAuction VickreyAuction is offline
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Default Re: Left-Brained or Right-Brained?

ok, this is annoying me

I stared at it for minutes. Took a break, then stared at it some more

as much as I chanted to myself: "THIS DANCER IS ROTATING COUNTERCLOCKWISE" and concentrated as hard as I could, I couldn't see it. I think I need a visual clue. What is it that could actually be construed to be going counterclockwise?!

is this some sort of huge level?

stare at any single body part and everytghing is CLEARLY going clockwise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Try staring to the left of the image for awhile and using your peripheral vision. That's what got it for me the first time.

On subsequent times, I can switch by looking at the girl's bottom foot. Just tell yourself that the bottom foot "rotating" is actually just a 2d image, so you can't tell whether the foot is pointing towards you or away from you.

It's weird, because when she spins clockwise, she's standing on her left leg and when she spins counter, she's standing on her right leg.
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