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Old 10-11-2007, 09:08 PM
dbldwnblue dbldwnblue is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 64
Default Re: An “Only in LA” Story - The Dealer Stall and the $1 po

I work at CP and have had many times where I have had to toss a $1 pot to the winner. I feel like crap when I do it but most of the time there are enough people (or the people that are in the hand know what is going on and have either fallen asleep at the wheel or are playing for the JP). When I first started working there I used to ask if the players wanted to chop if it got down to just the BB and SB before the flop. This was before I was reprimanded by an employee for doing this. I looked at it as protecting "my" players in the game and it gave me a good feeling that most of the time they appreciated it.

One thing i have discovered at Hustler on their NL games is that they do a staggered drop. This being taking the JP drop pre-flop. $3 on the flop and then another $1 on the river. (I personally think that a $5 total drop is excessive for a $1-2 NL game but thats just me).

CP has done some very good things such as starting a progressive JP for paying quads or better (4 of a kind starting at $50 each, a straight flush at $100 and a royal at I think $200 increasing each day it is not hit) with the highest being $1700 for a royal flush that was hit last month. They have also brought back the discounted/free rooms which is also a good thing.

There are many things that seem to me that CP could do very good. And there are others that I have to scratch my head (such as not having ANY perminate poker floorpersons). Im hoping that they figure out some of these glitches as more business affects my bottom line. So come and stop by and see me... I would love to see everyone.
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