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Old 10-11-2007, 07:13 PM
TheCount212 TheCount212 is offline
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Default Re: A9o in the SB: (Passive City)

I'm not opposed to donking the turn.. at my game I see a lot of players raising the flop and then checking behind on the turn. Villain could be getting cute with something like 65s, which might be something a "mini-spewer" would do. But ultimately I'd say Frond played it perfectly because of this...
"I don't often just C/C a hand most of the way like this but it almost seemed right to me based on the BB's actions."
Many times I read lots of posts on this board that advocate aggression for aggression's sake. But when you trust your gut and your instincts are confirmed it bolsters your confidence and tells the table that you're paying attention. (Besides, if you occasionally miss a bet like this the others will be misled into thinking you're much weaker than is the case.)
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