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Old 10-11-2007, 04:30 PM
danvh danvh is offline
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Default Re: Why don\'t you watch boxing?

I am big fan of both. I follow MMA a bit closer these days, but have been a boxing fan since I was little.

Like others I would say boxings major problem is its marketing and promotion. The main problem I see is boxing has such a hard time building young talent.

Without real undercards on PPVs its near impossible for younger guys to get any sort of notoriety. All they can do is have their sketchy promoters put them against cans till they are 20-0 then hope they can win a fight against a former champ. Then half the time they are thrust into a PPV main event when no one knows who they are and no one buys it.

Ill also agree that boxing is taking a huge hit because of the lack of heavyweight talent. And that coming from guys choosing other sports over boxing. I do think this can be somewhat fixed though, with a governing body and unification of belts. A singular champ and regulation along with support for gyms in low income areas could so a lot to help boxing.

That being said I still think boxing is an incredible sport and a ton of fun to watch and participate it. Plus its ability to unify a community is amazing. I work for a local mma website and our main goal is just to get that community feel that boxing used to have (and still does in some places). There is such a mystique that goes with the toughest guys come from my city.

Ohh yeah..And bring back Friday night fights on one of the major networks (not HBO, SHO, or ESPN). Let De La Hoya/Kellerman/and an old school guy do it or some combination of well spoken and popular guys. Show PPV worthy fights every few months and show retro fight from guys like Willie Pep and old Ali fights.
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