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Old 10-11-2007, 04:22 PM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Re: Wrapping my brain around the difference in PC brands.

Well, okay.

I was getting the impression that the more expensive computers have a million things I don't want or need. For example, why should I pay $100 more for a computer that has Norton's pre-installed when I am going to rip it out anyways?

Is there a real difference between PC 1 and 2? If I was to build my own computer (god help us all), and slap on a Dell sticker, the average Joe wouldn't know the difference. Would an expert see the difference?

The balance to be struck here, is to buy as top of the line as I can, but not waste $500 on upgraded stuff that makes no difference in my life. For sure, I would prefer to buy a Core2Duo. I see no reason to skimp in Processing Speed.
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