Thread: Jackpot Tipping
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Old 10-11-2007, 02:48 PM
KenProspero KenProspero is offline
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Default Re: Jackpot Tipping


I haven't hit a Jackpot, but have come close a number of times (I used to say the same thing in my batchelor days, but that's another story), and have thought about it (being a wild eyed optimist I'm prepared).

If I ever the big end of a Bad Beat Jackpot (50% 'loser', 25% 'winner' and remaining players 25%, I'd probably suggest that the big winners give the dealer a table share (i.e., what the other players at the table get) -- this runs to about 3-4% of the jackpot. I think this is generous, but fair.

I can't see a dealer being upset at a $1000 jackpot here.

I don't think I'd give the other players at the table anything, unless I really was positive that this was the custom.
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