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Old 10-11-2007, 02:06 PM
boracay boracay is offline
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Default A solution for Iran

This might sound provocative for some.
Let’s take a situation from Iran’s position.

They feel threatened and they have good reasons for that after events in their neighborhood. Who wouldn’t be anxious?

They can’t accept dictates from abroad about their economy/internal affairs/etc. That’s understandable. Who’d like interfering in every single important decision? That just can’t be acceptable.

They believe having nukes is the best possible defense against a sudden attack as it happened in Iraq for no reason. Who’d blame them. As it seems nukes are maybe the only good defensive weapon. They don’t need them for an attack, but for their defense.

It’s understandable that Israel feels threatened by Iran’s plans. At the same time they know that attacking Iran wouldn’t be a solution for their security in the future. Most probably any attack might provoke extremism and instability in all neighboring countries which is definitely something they’d want for the next decades.

Instability/rising extremism/anger towards USA in wider Muslim region would not be something USA would want. Besides exactly this would threat the security of the USA and its interests much more than Iran having nukes. How could any attack be good for US interests in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, in whole Middle East?

A large majority of countries around the world (including a large majority of US allies) would not support a military attack against Iran, especially not using mini-nukes or weapons of mass destruction. Public in most democracies around the world would demand answers and anti-US policy/parties would gain. Europeans would call for its own defense behind NATO, Russia and China wouldn’t be too happy about it.

IMO any attack would be very bad for the whole world, for the USA, Europe, for democracy in Muslim world and rising extremism and also bad for Israel for a longer period. Still, it might be profitable for very narrow interest groups and corporations, who of course don’t care about US interests, but about their profits only.

So, here is a provocative solution. Iran needs some guarantees about their security and defense and Israel/USA don’t want them to build nukes.

Would it be acceptable for all these parts that Russia and China together send some heavy military forces in Iran? In that case Iran could (and should) stop production of nukes for unlimited time (= without a demand for closing their reactors). So, all those issues would be solved (if there are only those; which I think is not true).

I’d say Iran probably would accept Russians and Chinese under those conditions (= without any other demands about their inner affairs/economy/etc + ending embargo). After all it might be the only solution for them + it would solve their main problem = security against USA attack.

I’d say Russia/China might be willing to solve the situation by sending forces there as they have their interests in Iran.

I’d say USA should be willing to accept this, because of their interests in the whole Middle East. After all Iran is surrounded all around by US forces, so it couldn’t make serious problems + Iran would loose as regional power. Some Russian/Chinese forces there shouldn’t be a problem as well as USA would have a control all around.

I’d say Israel should accept this, because any war would be a real threat for their security in the future.

So, who would loose? Corporations. Neocons. Administration individual’s pride. Funny, IMO republican party would most probably gain. Chances? Close to zero.
What's your opinion? What would be still acceptable for the USA/Israel for not going into another war?
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