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Old 10-11-2007, 01:11 PM
TomTom TomTom is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 547
Default Re: Beat: Ate Food that was Designated for My Dog

Few years back there was a tick problem where I walked my dog, so I was constantly finding them on him and pulling them off (with the tick tweezers my vet gave me, leaving the head in is urban legend).

So anywhere, there I one night am holding this live blood-filled tick and I don’t feel like taking it right now to the trash, so I decide to kill it with heat. I drop it in a mostly empty can of dog food I’d fished out of the trash, hold the can over the gas stove burner and make that sucker DIE.

Anyway, the little bit of food in the bottom of the can started to cook.

It smelled WONDERFUL.

B, B or V?
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