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Old 10-11-2007, 07:36 AM
adsman adsman is offline
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Default Re: EDF MUSICIANS THREAD (Guitar/Piano/Singers/etc...)

Got forced into a music at an early age. At 7 years old I started violin and theory lessons, urgh. Switched to classical guitar at age 12, but was quickly in trouble with my teacher at school as all I wanted to play were Led Zeppelin riffs. Started writing my own songs around 14 and by the time I left school I had some good contacts around Perth.

Played in a few cover bands and then finally formed an original band with some good musos. Most people don't know these bands here but I used to hang out with the guys from what would become You am I and a few other well known aussie bands.

Got accpeted into the West Australian Academy of Performing Arts for their Jazz guitar degree, but bailed and headed over to Sydney. Played in a bunch of jazz bands there, then headed up to Cairns where we had a wicked seven piece jazz fusion funk group. In Uganda I got a similar group going and we played at some pretty big concerts, (8,000 people the biggest).

Then I got to Italy and it all died. The live scene in Italy sucks. Trying to get a group together now, we'll see how it goes.

Have eight guitars, among them a Gibson flying V, a Les Paul, a Martin, and my favorite a Gibson 335 jazz series.

My advice to anyone who wants to get into music is to take up the base guitar as great base guitar players are rarer than hens teeth.
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