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Old 10-11-2007, 05:21 AM
youtalkfunny youtalkfunny is offline
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Default Re: A floor call and table stakes

Here's a story I witnessed, which I hope might clear up the controversy:

$30-60 Limit. The flop gets capped, and two players see the turn. We'll call the players "Tourist" and "Known Scumbag".

They're heads-up, so there's no cap. They get about six bets in on the turn, and another seven bets in on the river. The hands are turned up, and Tourist has the best hand. Known Scumbag immediately tells me, "Don't push that pot, call the floor."

When the floor comes over, Known Scumbag explains that Tourist took money out of his pocket and added it to the stack after the flop got capped. Known Scumbag wants all his turn and river bets returned to him.

I hope this illustrates why RR ruled the way he did. As we say so often in this forum, "Sometimes the fair thing to do is to directly contradict a written rule." You can't let Known Scumbag take the shot that he did.

How can you sleep at night after you tell Tourist, "Sir, you just bet $780 on the turn and river. If you lose the hand, you lose that money. But if you win the hand, you have 'no action' on those bets."

How can Tourist walk away from that and NOT think that a team of con men just worked him over?

Again, this really happened. Floorman knew little about poker, Known Scumbag yelled the loudest (and was also a muscle-bound, intimidating specimen), so the decision went his way. Tourist racked up and left, no doubt to return home and warn all his friends to stay away from the XXXXX casino.


In my story, something happened on the flop that is not allowed (Tourist added to stack). If brought to the attention of the dealer or the floor, it can be corrected immediately, and the hand can play on. But it WASN'T brought to anyone's attention.

"Why didn't the dealer see it happen?" Because the dealer can't see both ends of the table at once. This was a massive pot, and I was pulling in bets from all directions.

The time to correct this was when it happened. If several bets are placed with this money, those bets have to stand. It's the fairest thing to do.

Bottom line, at no time should a player have a free shot at another player's money. If you decide to invoke a rule, you don't get to see if you win first before making that decision.
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