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Old 10-11-2007, 04:23 AM
Runkmud Runkmud is offline
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Default Re: Putting your foot in it

Every year, down here in sunny Orlando, Epcot has a food and wine festival. We get as many friends as we can gather and go on an all out drinking around the world fest, it's a total blast. Well, among my friends, I'm known as that crazy, super lazy poker guy. So far be it from me to dissapoint, every year I rent an electric wheel chair to ride around in as I get crazy drunk.

Out of the thirty or so of us that attended that day, I knew about 20 or so, a few were newcomers, who didn't know my gig. So I meet everybody and off I go to rent my electric wheelchair, a hoveround type of device. Immediately at expected, I'm mocked for being that lazy. Prepared for this, I tell them that we're going to be drinking all day, and within a few hours they'll be begging for rides. So I suggest that they all rent one and we can be a "gang".

Fast forward to a few hours later, of course by this time we're all faced, and one of the newcomers, a guy named Reggie, who I had just met that day, asked me if he could get a ride on my wheelchair. I told him to piss off, I had told him to get one, and he had refused, now he would have to suffer, because there was no way I was giving up mine. By the way, Reggie had burn marks all up and down both his arms, but I didn't ask, and he didn't tell, so no big deal.

So a few more hours pass and a friend of mine Bob approaches me and asks me what I think of Reggie. I reply, he's a solid guy, very funny, and cool all around. Bob then tells me that Reggie is a Desert Storm veteran and was in an IED explosion, where he lost both of his legs. Yes, both of his legs, he's got prostethesis from above the knees. You'd never be able to tell looking at him if you didn't know. [censored], I just turned down a legless vet for a ride in my wheelchair that I don't need. Ummmm yeah, that pretty much makes me the biggest prick on the planet.
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