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Old 10-11-2007, 04:05 AM
Gonso Gonso is offline
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Default Re: Video coaching vs. hiring a personal coach?

I took the following line as far as NLHE goes:

1) Played for years pre-boom, but played several other games more often. Read a couple books, played marginally ok live at NLHE.

2) Really started hitting the books hard and that started improving things.

3) Got on Cardrunners, 2+2, got set up with PokerTracker, PA HUD also around this time. Later on w/ Stoxpoker.

I don't really believe in coaching at this point because there's so much I can gain from less expensive sources. And beginners, shoot, you don't need an English professor to teach you your ABCs.

If and when I decide to go for coaching, it will be well after I can't get much from reading, training sites and other means. That's hard to do considering the quality of what's out there now.
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