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Old 10-11-2007, 04:05 AM
joedot joedot is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 509

It's really not difficult to outperform the broader averages for an individual small investor. Relative performance is really only something the big institutions moving large amounts of money are concerned with. And that's just because it is their scorecard that they use to attract investors into their funds. This has been a very easy market to make money in. What has been going up keeps going up. This isn't a choppy market or a tough market to trade in. BIDU is up every day, GOOG the same, all the commodity names, BG, MON, FCX, all up. All you have to do is buy what's working and print money. It has been that easy. A lot of people are making a lot of money right now. It hasn't been a stockpickers market. You just have to be in the right industry, and out of the bad ones. My guess is that you haven't been around the market for a long time. I see a lot of other people saying the same thing you have. They think they are market geniuses. That's what bull markets do, they make everyone feel like geniuses. There will come a bear market, a choppy market, a difficult market to trade and make money in. When that time comes you will be humbled. If not, kudos to you then. That's great. But don't think that since you got some right in this particular tape that you are special. I'm not trying to knock you. Just hoping to help you before the market teaches you a lesson.
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