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Old 10-11-2007, 03:21 AM
Clever Nickname Clever Nickname is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 457
Default Re: **Official uNL/SSNL Coaching Thread**

I just had my first coaching session with 0evg0, and I think it went very well. He charged $175 for a session which went for two hours, which I think is very reasonable. We tried to get a sweat session going over Unyte, but there were technical difficulties, so he sweated me over AIM instead. I'd say we spent about 90 minutes with him sweating me, taking notes, and making comments about some of the hands I was playing, plus about a good half hour afterwards going over specific hands and also a lot of theory. He had a lot of very insightful things to say about hand reading/bluffing/beating up on fish that will definitely improve my game in the future. I'd recommend him to any SSNL player who's looking to move beyond the fundamentals of poker and really work on optimizing their play.