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Old 10-11-2007, 03:03 AM
Veil Veil is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 43
Default Re: Poll: Most / Least like-able players at the WSOP FT

I'm surprised there hasn't been any fuss about the way Yang obnoxiously screamed after knocking someone out. Not only was it rude, disgusting and inconsiderate to scream that loud and annoyingly - but it also caused me to almost lose my hearing as I was listening to the ppv through headphones. So you're probably thinking that I dislike Khan's antics as well.. actually, not at all. I voted him as most likable because he's having a little fun which is amusing to me, and that wouldn't get on my nerves as much as an obnoxious cry of "YESSSS!! YES!!!" and sprinting to the audience. Khan would never have gone out of line if he knocked someone out from the ft. Also, it's more inline for Khan to behave a little fruity than Yang, in relation to their respective ages/appearances. Yang's trying so hard to be a nice guy, he should prove it by not celebrating their tournaments deaths that intensely. It's just bizarre.

And Jerry, I do believe you're only allowed to have one idol. I mean, come on, quit the suck-ups already. And praying to Jesus/God to get lucky is clearly up the creek considering the bible says no to gambling. And when Gordon queried him on this, he totally avoided the question. I don't dislike him, I'm sure he's is a nice guy, but the poker we saw from him is borderline dreadful in isolations, and some of his "nice guy" shtick really seems put-on to me.
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