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Old 10-11-2007, 01:00 AM
roy_miami roy_miami is offline
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Default Re: Does anybody else dislike the Colbert Report???

Colbert pretty much sucks for the most part. "The Word" is unwatchable. His interviews are usually unwatchable unless the guest is talking about something I'm interested in like global warming or building robots. He yammers on too much about his book/wrist/ice cream. His second segment skits are tolerable sometimes, "Threat Down" is decent and "Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger" isn't too bad. "Cheating Death" is retarded.

Having said all that, "Better know a district" is one of the best things on TV and I watch Colbert every night just to see this once in a blue moon event. Actually, I haven't seen this segment in months, perhaps he isn't doing it anymore. If thats the case then The Colbert Report won't be making it on the TIVO anymore.
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