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Old 10-11-2007, 12:26 AM
katyseagull katyseagull is offline
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Default Re: Emotional Affairs

Bogey -

Agree with you that the line is arbitrary. Society standards maybe? Like you, the more I think about things the more relaxed and philosophical I become. I can envision scenarios where my boyfriend strays and finds pleasure and happiness with a stripper girl and then comes back to me. If I think about it a lot it becomes less scary.


If your boyfriend went to a licensed masseuse, are you going to begrudge him that?

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OMG I want to go to a licensed masseuse so badly. It's something I always wanted to try but I'm too cheap to shell out the money for it. I suppose I wouldn't begrudge him this as long as I get to have a massage too. (man that sounds great right now.)


Playing devil's advocate...

Say he loved those boobies against him. So what? He gets his hug from a friend, a minor thrill from the boobies, and goes home to/with you (not sure in your mind if he's at a place with you or by himself).

So, no harm done. He got a cheap, basically harmless thrill. Why would you care? Why should you be bothered?

Say he went to a strip club and saw naked boobies. He again gets a basically harmless thrill and goes home to you. Do you care? And if so, why?

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I would care much less about him hugging strip club boobies than a close friend's boobies that's for sure. So ok, if he wants to fly to Vegas and hug a stripper then have at it. And now you're making me feel bad that I've denied him this pleasure, this physical touching from which he would derive so much happiness that now I feel like a selfish jerk. If, for one minute, I imagine myself being a guy I think that I would love to sample many different women. So I'm all conflicted about this issue you see. (not about my sexuality, just about letting my guy have more fun with other boobies)
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