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Old 10-10-2007, 11:04 PM
DeadMoneyDad DeadMoneyDad is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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Default Re: Tell someone doesn\'t know something

Hello all, Engineer, Skallagrim, etc., denizens of the Legislation Forum. I rarely comment, mainly because I am not a corporate professional nor a lawyer, but I read this forum often to keep up to date on this very important issue.

I have to say, I disagree with the negativity expressed by Dead Money Dad on this development of the Las Vegas majors expressing interest in buying Party. I see this as an encouraging sign that something behind the scenes is taking place not to SNUFF OUT online poker, but to more or less OWN IT from the United States. I think (and I'm sure most of my fellow cynics here on this forum would agree) that people in power universally, and particularly those who trumpet "values," "morality," etc. the loudest are in actuality the most venal. The money that was made from online poker from 2003 to 2006 has to be a staggering figure. I don't have any hard numbers, maybe somebody else does, but it would not surprise me if Pokerstars continues to make >$5million a day even now. At least a million. Multiply that by 10 spread across the major sites at the height of the boom, and it just doesn't make sense that the powers that be are doing this just because they don't like it on the basis of "morality." No, they want those revenues for themselves, in their jurisdiction. Things are beginning to make sense to me now. I think the regs were vague deliberately, and did not mention poker deliberately. At any rate, with legions of devoted players and professionals who are more or less unemployable elsewhere (such as myself), it's not going anywhere no matter what laws get passed. I have already contemplated moving abroad and I'm sure many other players have too. No trill playa gonna let em just take away his living. That's all. But they don't wanna take it away. They wanna OWN IT. And they will.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well this is eaxctly the point I was making to Skall in a PM and what I have been saying all along as the banks being the key to this whole deal at least in the short term.

I'll admit I didn't read the article in the first place so I didn't know who party was selling to nor the fact that the rumor was a NV concern.

But my point is and was to a few regulars in PM's was all you really need to defeat this rule and point out the absolute unworkability of the UIGEA is a mid-sized bank on the system. I doesn't have to be a major and a small wouldn't work either. All you need is the right banker's ear, well the Chairman of the bank's ear. I'll be called a troll or worse for saying this but that is what I was working on these past few days.

Money talks and BS walks.

I should have read the article as it makes perfect sense to me. If I had Vegas money to work with and a not too risk adverse Vegas bank I'd buy Party myself and open it up under new management myself. Their old real money account list of US players is their only worth to me they could keep their ongoing concern issues and rights IMO.

But given the regulation specifically stating that it was the banking system and their concern for disruptions of the credit system in the regulation that makes me think the UIGEA was pushed by big money banks not right-wing religious nuts. The banks meerly used the nuts for cover and leverage.

IMO people misread the proposed rule. The smart poker money seems to read pages and pages of the word "exemptions" and "exempt" transaction and think everything is cool. What they miss IMO are the money flow choke points. Go back and read the thing again as a banker or someone on the system tired of getting calls from the idiot who's boyfriend gambled out of her joint account. Now maginify that by some number. You're guess is as good as mine. Then read the outline for future action in adding non-gambling into account opening policies, the thought of closing accounts long after an UIG transaction took place, to even talk of fining merchants or account holders even suspected of UIG money flows.

If you don' think there is a possible death blow there then you are going to be screaming about a rigged RNG when you get your badbeat in the future.

The banks don't care one bit about poker, gamblers, or even right-wing religious nuts. They don't care how many e-pass' are created to keep the money flowing. They don't want anyone having standing to sue if they mess up and are directly involved in a transfer of money to a poker site. They want to keep the money flowing but have NO LIABILITY!

All the regualtions do is make it even more expensive to deposit and withdraw. Under the regulations you would have to fly to Antigua get cash and fly back to cash in any decent sized winnings, or pay someone north of the existing soing rate of +%5 to do so on-line. I don't know what TruePokerCEO's cost to courier +1k deposits and withdraws is but it will get more expensive than that.

Then if you get the wrong AG or god forbid President who gets into office with the right-wing nut jobs help in narrowly defeating Witchillary under the current regs the choke points will be come Federal insurmountable obsticals.

You get an anti-gambling Chairman of the Fed and no regs we're all on the OFAC list and would never have a chance to say a word about it.

So I am both glad and sad that a Vegas concern reads the regs as I do. They see PP's conservative "protect a bankroll" take our poker winnings and sell our seat in the tourney for a discount as an opportunity to pick up a bargin cheaply chicken$hit poker play for exactly what it has been all along. What has PP done that doesn't show their true colors? I don't know why one person cares if they every gain re-entry to any future US market.

I've quoted my opinion of the old real estate adage before; "when their is blood on the streets buy property!" This is just a smart investor doing the same thing with the real estate being on-line poker property.

A few regulars will tell you I've been investigating opening a US site to purposely challenge the holes in the UIGEA law, let alone the messed up regs. Seems some smart money in Vegas just raised my bet!

So as a poker lover I hope they do it right and win. As a potential ground floor investor in my version of a well run US poker site I hope PP knows the value of their US accounts and makes the Vegas investor pay through the nose!

Well that is if they got the idea from reading my posts....

D$D<--doesn't live under a bridge.
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