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Old 10-10-2007, 10:14 PM
Case Closed Case Closed is offline
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Default Re: What has influenced you to your current position in politics.

My political positions have been shaped by a lot of things. One which I never want to admit is my room mate who like to constantly play devils advocate anytime we watch the news or do just about anything. He challenges every single idea I have and forces me to look at things from the opposite side.

This forum has played a big role. I spent a lot of time with people who have no problem admitting that they are socialists. Even though I am not the most adamant supporter of the free market this board has given me a extremely well reasoned and logical representation of a free market capitalist. People like borodog do a good job of giving sound opinions and is not a dick about it.

Also my political science 110 teacher was extremely influential in how I go about looking at different political views. He taught me that you can take something on face value you have to as he would say "put some meat on them bones" and add depth to any argument or idea that you hold.

Also my older brother. He never really gave me any advice outside of "don't just answer the questions, question the answers" which I like to feel like I have followed.
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