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Old 10-10-2007, 05:13 PM
TheBigPicture TheBigPicture is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 96
Default Re: Lets beat a drug test

So I have a drug test tomorrow at 8am. I smoked last night,

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry buddy. I only had to read this to tell you you are up sh**t's creek without a paddle. I know a friend who was in the exact same situation as you -- drank the detox, and still failed the test. Weed is the absoloute longest lasting drug you can have in your system because the THC stores in your body fat. Duck the test. It is your only chance.

Edit: If they are not watching you when you pee, smuggle clean urine. I know a kid at my boarding school who someone would stand in the room while he pissed to ensure no funny business. MY friend still fooled him because my friend was able to piss with his back to the guy. He bought a mini bottle of hand sanitizer, emptied it, washed it out, and filled it up with clean piss. he then taped the bottle to his dick, and when they made him piss, he unzipped, pulled his dick out, and opened the cap of the bottle quietly and slowly squeezed the piss out. He said make sure to get some on the seat so that it looks legitimate. Gross, but good advice.
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