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Old 10-10-2007, 04:01 PM
Frond Frond is offline
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Default Re: PB Dissertation Ch2: Some Quick Fixes

Solid points Kit.

I can really relate to a lot of those.

#1 It can be futile to try and steal at 4/8 cause like you said the blinds are calling most of the time where as in a mid-higher limit and or SH mid or higher limit game they aren't as much.

#4 I now pay closer attention to every hand I am not in. Playing live small stakes it can be tough to put players on ranges of hands at times cause you run into so many ATC players. It is a great exercise though to do while not in the hand. Sometimes I am right on other times I am so far off it is ridiculous! Slowly getting better though. You can also pick up valuable info on hands by just asking your neighbors what they had or keeping your ears peeled for info. Or sometime they will jsut flat out tell you what they had without een asking them.

Oh, and a smile goes a long ways when you are playing live.
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