Thread: Journeyman
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Old 10-10-2007, 02:17 PM
DeuceKicker DeuceKicker is offline
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Default Re: Journeyman

"Love quadrangle". I like it.

It's early, but I like the way they're handling it so far. There is tension between Dan (Journeyman) and Jack (cop brother), Dan and Katie (wife), Jack and Katie, and now Dan and Livia. At the same time, they're not being soap-opera melodramatic.

One problem is that there isn't enough time to explore the main characters and the people he's tracking. His "assignments" so far are just filler for the development of the main characters, and the only interesting part about them is trying to figure out how many degrees of separation there are between the person he's interacting with and the true target. (They did divert from that formula this week by having him spin his wheels trying to save his boss' sister rather than the gambling junkie.)

One thing that QL did well was make you care about the people he was leaping into. Of course they had a much smaller full-time cast to flesh out.

Yahoo lists Journeyman as one of five shows in early trouble this season. Methinks they need to start giving us a few more hints about the big picture. Why is his ex tracking him? Who is behind it? What is their agenda.

And maybe he should travel a little further back now and again to more interesting times.

On a shallow note: How cool would it be to have a family in normal time, and an ex with benefits whenever he warps?
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