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Old 10-10-2007, 01:35 PM
BigBuffet BigBuffet is offline
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Default Re: Crazy Future Theories..

holy cow. 20 years is bit close i hope. but sounds logical too. what about the most influential americans?
i wouldnt be suprised if your ideas are the base concept of the future in numerous think tanks in the us and therefore they strive to make all this happen, but with america in the leading position. as usual since ww2 ldo

the american intelligent elite is just the cleverest part of all man imo and very ruthless too. they will always manipulate the world in their favor and no other nation comes close. its only a pity that average american joe will never benefit from that since hes a work slave already. just not being aware of it.

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I'm sure a good number of wealthy and influential Americans will be part of the cabal to reward their fine work in dumbing us down and eroding the standard of living for the middle and lower classes in the US.

As far as the US as a country in the leading position, that premis is wrong. We have a currency backed by nothing since 1913. The value of the dollar has continually eroded. Jobs are outsourced. We are a huge debtor nation because we buy more than we create. Research the concept of 'debtor in possession'.

Moving on, based on various Executive Orders, international treaties and of course the mis-named Patriot Act, the US constitution is all but dead. And once the American Union takes effect, it will be because the union will have a new constitution for Canada, US and Mexico. Thank the current white house occupant for the American Union.

Here's some more things to consider...

Poisoned pet food from China. Test run for people?

Bovine growth hormone in milk courtesy of Monsanto (even though there is an overproduction of milk worldwide...). That hormone makes antibiotics ineffective in humans. Monsanto uses chemicals to screw us in many other ways.

I read many science fiction books in the 70's. Many of the top SF writers were on the mark. Unfortunately, the ones writing about future utopian societies seem to be wrong. There is less money for the controllers in utopia than there is in constant wars, (fake) famine, (UN sponsored) genocide, and social engineering.

There is little we can do anymore. The unification of groups of countries are accomplished through circumvention of the constituent governments.

People like Ron Paul and Phyllis Schlafly won't be elected to the white house, and they would probably be ineffective against the cabal if they were (eg JFK).

Anyway, if you want to get a heads up on some of the future events, go to the Council on Foreign Relations website. Their opinions and papers seem to have a big influence...
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