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Old 10-10-2007, 11:27 AM
PantsOnFire PantsOnFire is offline
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Default Re: Trying to claim pot with one card.

If the player has you beat, even with that one card, then he wins the pot. To try to take away such a pot would high on the sliding douche scale.

Actually there's nothing wrong with trying to get that other card exposed. However, if he flipped over the suited A on a four flush board, I would quietly muck. If he flipped over an ace representing a pair of aces, I would say we need to see the kicker, even if I didn't have an ace. You see if I didn't have an A, then I would be mucking anyways but I would get to see his second card. Maybe sometime he shows a second A for a set of aces. Now that could be useful information.

Anyways, I were you, I'd begin at least pretending that his second card is the deciding card for the showdown and asking to see it. If his one card is obviously the nuts or close to it, then be a gentleman.
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