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Old 10-10-2007, 11:05 AM
bigt2k4 bigt2k4 is offline
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Default Re: Deep, flush vs big river 3bet

now that I think about it, being a TAG he almost has to have the A of spades to make this move and he wouldn't check call the turn with As (k,q,j,10x, 20 being the only exception) so most likely he has 2 thru 9 as his other card and he probably wouldn't play it without it being suited. The tilt part is the only part which would make me think he doesn't have it(how long did he delay to raise the river?), have you seen him actually tilt(not just open raise a bad hand?), being a TAG I don't see him 3 betting this large with a smaller flush(given the action) even if he is on tilt, so he probably has it.

That being said, in the heat of the moment I see that he lost 3 buyins in 30 hands (still deepstacked tho) and call and lose.

edit: damn, my 4000th post is wasted on strategy
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