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Old 10-10-2007, 02:23 AM
basementproject basementproject is offline
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Default Re: General Music Discussion Thread Vol. 2

Completely agreed. Antics was horrid. OLTA seems like they wanted to slide back towards the feel of TOTBL, but just couldn't recreate it.

On the first album I know they did a large amount of the engineering/production themselves, and to me what is particularily striking about the album is not necessarily the songwriting, but the arrangements- the layers of sound created on this album are just insane. So many feelings and moments and places conveyed through the sound, it's just surreal. Literally. For the past five years it's been the only album I listen to daily.

I wish they'd ditch the new label, go back to Matador, and make another album completely their own. I'm not sure that they're capable of reproducing their first, but they could come close, if they all put their hearts into it- I know Carlos for one wants to put the 'Pol on hold to write movie soundtracks.

Anyway, everyone in this thread must hear the album! Turn on the Bright Lights by Interpol.
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