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Old 10-09-2007, 10:17 PM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
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Default Re: Emotional Affairs

Yeah, that's weird. Sometimes I hear stuff like this and wonder if we're just yearning to go back to some sort of Islamic-type fundamentalism and fear of our sexuality or something. The idea that we are so completely out of control of ourselves seems more absurd than honest.

But at least it makes thinking easier. Which I suppose is really the whole point.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's all about emotional intelligence. Women are more emotionally intelligent than men. Many women use this superior emotional intelligence to exercise a degree of control over men. Men, being the emotional retards we are, get caught in this stupid trap again and again. Men who get divorced once will most likely get divorced again.

It's an old formula, desire-approval-act-guilt-regret-need for approval or absolution, etc., etc..

People get caught in this trap like little organ grinder monkeys. Pull the string and watch the symbols bang.

Most men are completely out of control emotionally when it comes to their relationships with women, and they don't even realize it.
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