Thread: "Lost" Albums
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Old 10-09-2007, 09:05 PM
OrigamiSensei OrigamiSensei is offline
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Default Re: \"Lost\" Albums

You may know them for I Know What Boys Like, Christmas Wrapping and Square Pegs but the Waitresses were much more than that. Edgy, experimental and featuring songs written by a man from a female viewpoint and sung by a woman the group was musically tight and lyrically satirical. The songs captured the frustration and doubt of Gen Xers caught in the backwash of the Baby Boom yet still managed to uphold a certain cheeky optimism in the face of an uncertain and uncaring world.

After Wasn't Tomorrow Wonderful and the EP I Could Rule The World If I Could Only Get The Parts the Waitresses released a final studio effort that sank completely without a trace, Bruiseology. That, of course, is my nomination for the "lost album".

Leader Chris Butler had his original claim to fame as a member of Tin Huey, a 70s Midwestern band of minor renown. Note the presence of Tracy Wormworth on bass, who would also go on to become one of the best female bass players ever with a long and prosperous career.

I leave you with an interesting pair of interviews with Chris Butler and Tracy Wormworth:
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