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Old 10-09-2007, 04:59 PM
DeathDonkey DeathDonkey is offline
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Default Re: Continue firing?

Well, for one, I was speaking more generally (assumed Surfdoc was too) than this exact board texture and situation about how people tend to bet bet bet and rarely CR the turn and then wonder why they can't get free cards OOP.

But looking at this board closely, I think this wouldn't be a horrible spot to CR with JJ or something, people make dumb bets all the time, especially in super aggro shorthanded online games. Ax might be able to convince himself he has the best hand (or can get another Ax to fold by betting turn and river), obviously its sort of unlikely anyone has a pair but they might have caught the turn. I don't think CRing here is a standard or even great play, but I think the way games are these days its never going to be "awful" - people just bet way too often when you check for no better reason than you checked.

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