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Old 10-09-2007, 01:36 PM
Jon1000 Jon1000 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 362
Default Re: Do all guys go through the \"chase is more fun\" stage?

I’m 24, and your situation seems to be completely normal. The majority of my friends are within two years of me and only a few of them are in serious long term relationships, though one is married. I don’t know if this applies to you, but right after college a lot of the guys and almost all of the girls found significant others to deal with the relative boredom of working life. I’m not saying they didn’t care at all about their relationships, but this group pretty universally found boy/girlfriends a month after starting work when they didn’t date anyone consistently through all of college to fill some sort of other void they were feeling.

I still enjoy being young and an idiot, but I’m also inexperienced in terms of serious relationships and have also found myself wondering what one might be like recently. I’m not sure what you mean by moving on a little, but I do find myself wanting to try new things and meet people outside of the bars/clubs that I mostly frequent w/ my main group of friends and have been doing some different stuff. If that leads to meeting a different type of girl I would seriously date instead of one night stand, that’s cool, but I think it’s weird to feel left out and then artificially get yourself into a mentality where you tell yourself, “Ok, it’s tiem to be in a LTR b/c my friends are getting married. Let’s do this.’
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