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Old 10-09-2007, 11:53 AM
ReptileHouse ReptileHouse is offline
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Default Re: Question about Blood Alcohol Content

If someone knows/believes the following:

.08 is the threshold for drunk driving
approx how many drinks someone needs to get drunk
people have lived w/ BAC > .50
thinks that people have lived w/ BAC > .90

then it is indeed common sense, no other common knowledge required, to know that ".10" when referring to BAC does not mean your blood is 10% alcohol.

[/ QUOTE ]

While in general I agree with CC, the above is a bit of a deal breaker here. At some point in that chain of facts, a person actively thinking about the question should have a, "wait a minute, this doesn't make sense and can't be right," moment.

The amusing thing is that if he'd posted the more accurate and reasonable question of, "I used to think this (obviously wrong because of blah blah blah) thing, but I can't find what the real answer is," the thread would have been locked for googletarding and this wonderful trainwreck would never have happened.

For the record, I like Dali and El D both. I just find this whole thing amusing.
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